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Pelican Cove University

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Frequently asked questions

Below are some of the most common questions. If you  don't see your question answered below email:

Do I have to use PayPal or have a PayPal account to sign up for 2024 PCU courses?

No. You do not have to use PayPal or have a PayPal account. PCU uses PayPal infrastructure to handle all online payments. You can use a credit card or a PayPal account if you have one, but you do not need to set up a PayPal account.

I want to pay the one-time fee with cash or check, but I’m not seeing a confirmation email that allows me to register for classes? What’s up with that?

We have to confirm receipt of the cash or check at the PC Office, so there’s a lag between your leaving payment at the office and your receipt of a confirmation email—You’ll get that confirmation email within 24 hours as long as the payment was brought to the office during regular business hours.

Can I see 2024 courses without registering and paying the one-time fee?

Absolutely. The PCU website——is a public website and you can view the Course Catalog to decide whether you are interested in taking one or more courses. If you decide you want to register—and we hope you do—go to Join PCU, follow the directions to pay the one-time fee, and then you’ll be able to select and register for as many courses as you’d like to take.

I took PCU classes during the last session. Can I reuse the password I had for the PCU website?

Yes. You can keep the same password or you have the option to change your password. Even better, if you forgot or if you forget your password, there’s a “Forget Password?” function which will get you a new password without having to communicate with PCU administrators. Look for “Change Password” on your Account Profile page and click on the person icon.

I still need help with something or need additional information. Who do I contact?

Send an email to Use this email if you have PCU-related questions or need technical support. We respond to most emails the same day, but you will receive a response within 24 hours of our receiving the email. We’d appreciate your not sending emails to the personal email addresses of PCU administrators. More than one person checks the PCU email which makes it more likely that you’ll get a prompt response.

I’ve had just about enough of Covid and all those [expletive deleted] restrictions. Will it be Anything Goes at PCU courses conducted in-person in the Pavilion, the Harbor Club, or Wilbanks?

The risk of transmission of both Covid and influenza is particularly serious in a community of older adults like Pelican Cove. In support of safe and healthy in-person activities, the Board of Pelican Cove University strongly recommends that all students attending indoor courses wear a high quality mask and be fully vaccinated (including up-to-date boosters). Anyone showing any signs of illness should not attend classes in person.

I’ve signed up for one (or more) limited enrollment courses. When will I know whether I’m one of the lucky ones to win the lottery?

Every instructor has the option to designate their course as limited enrollment and to set the number of course participants. If there are more residents registered for a course than available spaces: Several days before the class begins, we will conduct a blind lottery and pick names randomly up to the desired enrollment. We will create a rank-ordered waitlist of the remaining residents in case someone drops out of the course and makes a space available for someone off the waitlist. You will be notified whether you have “won” the lottery or not.  Click here for more information.

What about website accessibility?

Computers, tablets, and smartphones increasingly offer accessibility features for individuals. Check the online documentation available from manufacturers. 

For many individuals who have some hearing loss, using headphones, earbuds (such as Apple AirPods), or external speakers will help with both volume and clarity of sound. Hearing aids or earbuds that are Bluetooth compatible are another option for improving sound quality.

© 2022-2023 Pelican Cove University. All Rights Reserved

Use this email if you have PCU-related questions or need technical support. We respond to most emails the same day, but you will receive a response within 24 hours of our receiving the email.

Please don’t send emails to the personal email addresses of PCU administrators.